Like I said Sunday I was exhausted, overtrained and had a migraine but somehow when my phone goes off at 6:30 a.m. with a text that says, "get your lazy ass out of bed and come ride" I can't resist....
Now, just to clarify Robb was away for the weekend at a paragliding comp or I would have never left my nice warm bed.....
Secondly, my bud who sent the text had set up a ride earlier in the week and I had to cancel on him--he's a really nice guy, but has an edgy side that doesn't take no for an answer, so off I went. Met up with him and several other riders, but of course in my condition I only rode a few miles then ventured back to the safety of my bed. Surely he'll make me suffer for that later:)
I hate to quit and was totally embarassed, but hey the guy gets one day to ride with the buds; I wasn't going to hold him back to my pace all day.
Silver lining of the day is that if I hadn't gotten out of bed I would have missed seeing this incredible spider web covered in dew.