Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Morning beauty

Like I said Sunday I was exhausted, overtrained and had a migraine but somehow when my phone goes off at 6:30 a.m. with a text that says, "get your lazy ass out of bed and come ride" I can't resist....

Now, just to clarify Robb was away for the weekend at a paragliding comp or I would have never left my nice warm bed.....

Secondly, my bud who sent the text had set up a ride earlier in the week and I had to cancel on him--he's a really nice guy, but has an edgy side that doesn't take no for an answer, so off I went. Met up with him and several other riders, but of course in my condition I only rode a few miles then ventured back to the safety of my bed. Surely he'll make me suffer for that later:)

I hate to quit and was totally embarassed, but hey the guy gets one day to ride with the buds; I wasn't going to hold him back to my pace all day.

Silver lining of the day is that if I hadn't gotten out of bed I would have missed seeing this incredible spider web covered in dew.

Catching up

It's been quite a while since I posted so here's the catch up...

I've ridden some 400 miles since the last posting. Needless to say I've been a bit busy. This includes the Cool Breeze Century ride (100 Miles). I took an hour off my previous century ride time and finished this one in 7 hours 17 minutes, with 2000 more feet of climbing.

I've been totally frustrated at GARMIN-they suck; my gps unit froze my computer, then "technical" support managed to delete all of my history--yes every bit of it and off my backup--f___ing idiots. Now the damn thing thinks it's 2013 and is recording god knows what....Losing all that history is heartbreaking--nothing to compare to; nothing to use to set new goals with or look at progress. UGGGUGUGHHH!

This week has been really hard. I need a rest and I need to have some fun.


Monday, August 4, 2008


Today was my first time going all the way to the coast and back...The route started in Westlake Village, out to Malibu lake, up Mulholland, up Rock Store (this is where I believe I turned into a masochist with 30/30s intervals--8 of them in a row) then past the vineyards down Mulholland to the PCH and back via the same route.

I was totally cooked at the end. I was an emotional wreck all weekend; then I performed really poorly today and that took an emotional toll on me--so my mind and body were a wasteland.

Came home, ate, took a bath, had a good cry and I feel so much better. I put in an order for some vitamens and supplements; maybe I'm just depleted from all the training.

Maybe it's a full moon. Oh yeah, and we saw the biggest snake--not sure but I think a king snake-yuck
40 miles way too many ft

Easy day tomorrow.