Friday, November 13, 2015

Definition of Epic

My definition of epic is always day it's something amazing I've done that I really didn't think I could, the next it's the littlest of things that provide the biggest challenge.  With this I've decided that life is simply an epic adventure of events that depending on the day and your own perception, the definition of epic waxes and wanes.

Today my ride wasn't epic in terms of the terrain, distance or difficulty.  However, it was epic because I challenged myself to get out and ride my bike at 34 degrees...winning battle #1.  Once I got out to ride the views were doubt about that--Colorado is gorgeous.  On the way home I met and shared some laughs with customers at the bike shop who now seem to be more like friends; something I've always enjoyed in the various bike shops I've been in, but haven't quite dialed in yet here in CO.

So what did I learn about epic today?..Just that doing anything is epic--just do something, don't let your brain, body or anyone get in your way and you'll feel better about everything!

I've been doing the 21 day meditation with Oprah and Deepak and today's centering thought was fitting:

Our centering thought for today is:
I release myself from obstacles and boundaries.
Ride on,

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

2015 1st blog "Finding Balance Again"

As I strive to find more balance in 2015 I have to ponder why someone who loves to write as I do has slacked off on this blog.  I went back and read through the blog and have pinned it down to a few reasons:

(1st summit of Tag the Flag; found this note in the summit box)
1. My life on the bike, while fun and I still love it, had become one dimensional--totally uncharacteristic of my real self, so IMO I was BORING... this year I'll strive for BALANCE; get back to a more well rounded lifestyle and enhance my life with more adventure than ever.

2. I realized that when I started this blog a ride around the blog, a small hike or just meeting someone new was EPIC. After a while nothing was epic unless it involved blood, pain or suffering. While I appreciate a good tale and an awesome day of challenging sport not everyday has to be that way...this year I will appreciate every moment of being present as EPIC and be inspired by those events to write more often.

3. Lastly, I began to care what people thought.  This is definitely NOT ME. I don't know why this happened, but it stops now.  I can appreciate constructive criticism (as a writer this is part of life), but for those who want me to be someone I am not, want to control my writing and/or me as a person, well I say good luck to you. I AM WHO I AM and I LIKE that person who is quirky, funny, adventurous, clumsy, physically limited, kind and caring.

So, that being said here we go--Let's find some adventure and BRING IT:)
Pink is Power