What can I say? Today was warm and sunny, just my style so I was about the happiest girl ever after yesterday's artic journey. Also, this was a really fun day on the bike. We had a few mishaps with directions, but that just makes it more of an adventure. My group missed a turn and ended up in a small and lovely town named Santa Clara. I have to say it was worth the trip as the bike path in this town is smooth as ice; which was a welcome reprieve from the bumpy roads we had traveled over the morning. Luckily for us, some kind gentlemen (who are the two in the photos) pointed out that we were going the wrong way....oops! Oh well, but they were kind enough to shuttle us back to the spot where we had gone astray. The peloton had also experienced a directional delay, so as we made the climb we saw many of the riders...the group was a bit more spread out today, but avg speed of the pack was 24...wow those cyclists hammer.
The scenery on the open road was so incredible. Joshua trees, big huge clouds, open roads, cactus, cattle and lakes...yes lakes in the desert. We went through a most unusual town called Gunlock,straight out of an old western, complete with a rodeo--I didn't stop to take a photo as I was alone through there and well...
Beyond that the curving road lead to some smoking fast descents, glowing red rock and absolutely no one in site....except for when your water bottle went dry and Coach Doug miraculously appeared from no where to fuel, hydrate and take your xtra clothes in less than 30 seconds...that guy rocks.
We rode through AZ into the Mohave onto Mesquite Nevada where we were greeted by an oasis waterfall pool at our hotel and of course the crew of Western Spirit Adventures were there ready to feed us.
Dinner was amazing once again. We gathered around and talked about our day,each having a bit of a different experience on the same course.
I spent some time chatting with Anthony Sinyard "the pink flame"...probably the only guy I'll ever meet who love pink as much as I do. I have been his "pink carrot" all week as the peloton chases us who have taken "the magic bus" just ahead....he calls me "hammer"...maybe because I'm hammering so hard so he won't catch me...not possible though the kid is fast and strong. I also think he's pretty smart and will follow his journey as he starts to produce a line of cycling clothing. Yup he loves pink and clothes...and he's single....ladies get in line (I suspect it's a long one)pictured below having dinner.
Kudos today go to Kim Hughes of Specialized who completed her first ever century ride!!! woohooo...and she didn't just complete it she rode it strong, fast and efficiently. Good job Kim that was awesome. Pictured below with her recovery tights on--thank you SKINS.
I'm also gonna give praise to the test Specialized Amira I am riding....after yesterday's incredible descent and today's high speed descents (38-40) this bike handles beautifully. At one point today I actually got air--not on purpose but just didn't see the dip in the road and it was nothing, the bike glided back to the surface without a twitch. I can say also that the 52/36 chainring set up I'm riding is awesome. I've finally dialed in on how to shift with SRAM RED...I'm a Dura-Ace girl, so holding out on my final comments until I've had more time on it, but SRAM is a bit more noisy and I find that annoying.
Enjoy these picks...last day tomorrow we should arrive at Dirt Demo sometime around 12;30!
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