Some of you may remember when I was Tweeting about meeting my new friend Jo Allen of Think Pink Cycling...well if not, here's a little background. Jo met Martha Van (owner of Action Wipes and a great sponsor of WomenCyclist)via Twitter...Martha then introduced me to Jo, who at the time lived in London and was coming to the US to ride across America (then all the mountains of Europe) for charity. It was a radical sabbatical of the cycling type. Jo came to the US, visited Martha and me and then the karma gods opened up to us...she got a radio interview that day to promote her cause,then we went on a bike ride and met George Hincapie, who then promoted her cause at his movie viewing that night! Jo's trip was off to a great start.
Fast forward to now, Jo completed her tremendous goals and not surprisingly went back to London realizing life in California might be quite nice...and it helps that somewhere along the way she fell in love with Rob Panzera of Cycling Camp San Diego. Jo now lives with Rob in San Diego and is coaching too. I am very excited to have Jo here in the US as part of the women's cycling community. We've had lots of laughs since day 1. Meeting Jo was like seeing an old friend, not like meeting a stranger; so those who think Twitter is wierd...maybe so,but on the odd chance I meet one great person I'll keep tweeting--btw I've met many!
Jo is putting on a women's camp this January and I want to pass along the information to any of you who might be in the San Diego area (or outside the area and need to escape the snow).
I've attached the flyer with all the details, so you can contact Jo if you are interested in attending. Should be great fun, lots of beautiful roads to ride and sunshine everyday.
Good luck Jo and welcome to the neighborhood!
More women on bikes--xoxox
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