Sunday, June 22, 2008

Six days of riding

I've had six days of riding since my last rest day. Really bad I know. Somehow I have to get my schedule back on track. Also need to get back to focusing on my summer goal--to the coast.

The heat's been brutal; forcing me to ride at o'dark thirty and the lack of sleep has taken it's toll. I did my Purple ride today and had to have a two hour nap...I was practically sleeping on the ride. Lots of new women showed up today though, so that's really awesome, they all had a fun time. I had some of the nicest guys helping with this ride too...they were really encouraging the ladies and their draft was a big help!

Had a nice swim in the pool; what a great way to cool down. Robb rode today too, so that's always nice.

Saw The Chu out in Hidden Valley with the "bonhomme of the jeure" and A-man of course joined us after already riding 66 miles.

Tomorrow rest and gym, then Tuesday train, maybe a long ride Wednesday by myself to clear the head and not have to worry about anyone but me on the bike. Yeah, that's what I need--some zen with the Dama:)

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